NFS Performance measurement of Linux 2.2

16 Apr 1999 T. Ichihara (RIKEN)


NFS Performance test [Draft] (Linux client - Linux Server vs Linux Client - Solaris2.6) Purpose Compare the performace of NFS server (SUN Solaris v.s. i386 Linux) for Linux NFS client, because we felt that the NFS-write profrmace for Solaris 2.6 NFS server from Linux NFS cliet is very slow to our experience so far. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NFS Client: Dual Pentium II 450MHz (256 MB Memory) Linux 2.2.4 (ap02.ccj) 100BaseTXi (Half Duplex) Test method: Fortran unformated read & Write for 10MB-size variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NFS Server 1: Solaris2.6 (Dual Ultra2 Sparc 400MHz) 1280 MB Memory 18GB Bare Disk (Seagate UW SCSI) (Netperf: TCP STREAM 66.5 Mbps) 10MB NFS write 15.94 s 0.62 MB/s <- !! slow 100MB NFS write 206.94 s 0.48 MB/s <- !! slow 200MB NFS write 377.88 s 0.53 MB/s <- !! slow 400MB NFS write 643.04 s 0.62 MB/s <- !! slow 1000MB NFS write 1971.22 s 0.51 MB/s <- !! slow 100MB NFS read 15.52 s 6.5 MB/s 200MB NFS read 41.00 s 4.9 MB/s 400MB NFS read 82.34 s 4.9 MB/s 1000MB NFS read 199.95 s 5.0 MB/s NFS Server 2: Linux2.2.4 Dual PII 450 MHz 256 MB Memory 18GB Bare Disk (Seagate UW SCSI) (Netperf: TCP STREAM 66.8 Mbps) 10MB NFS write 1.37 s 7.3 MB/s 100MB NFS write 13.68 s 7.3 MB/s 400MB NFS write 78.60 s 5.1 MB/s 1000MB NFS write 229.69 s 4.3 MB/s 2000MB NFS write 460.17 s 4.3 MB/s 100MB NFS read 25.28 s 4.0 MB/s 400MB NFS read 94.94 s 4.2 MB/s 1000MB NFS read 229.26 s 4.4 MB/s 2000MB NFS read 533.24 s 3.8 MB/s Result Summary For the Linux NFS client (Linux 2.2.4), the NFS-write peformance of the Linux NFS server is about 10 times larger than that of SUN Solaris 2.6 NFS server in this measurement.
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    20 Apr. 1999 Takashi Ichihara (